Hemos Cieszyn

Our company has been operating since 2007. More and more individual customers have trusted our company. We specialize in the sale of PVC and wooden doors and windows.

In addition to the sale of products, we also provide professional assembly, free advice, cost estimates and friendly service.

We believe that only satisfied customers are regular customers. That is why their number is growing dynamically in our company. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer, hoping at the same time that soon you will join the ranks of our regular customers.

Feel free to contact our traders

Zewnątrz P.H. Hemos
© 2012 - 2023 Hemos
Hemos Sp z o.o.
43-400 Cieszyn
ul. Bielska, 136
tel. 696047671
tel. 606313581
e-mail: biuro@hemos.pl

NIP : 5482758725
REGON : 528135369